You're Not Gonna Like This

Episode 55 - It was the FEST of times, it was the THIRST of times.

February 08, 2021
You're Not Gonna Like This
Episode 55 - It was the FEST of times, it was the THIRST of times.
Show Notes

Down here at YONO POD HQ, we think we're long overdue for some celebrations. And in that spirit, Seth gives Andrew a showcase of some of the world's finest, and strangest festivals. We talk about Seth's beloved memories of humiliating himself in front of  a man dressed as Charles Dickens at Riverside's Dickens Fest, a celebration in Spain where babies are absolved of sin in a mildly dangerous way, and a whole bunch more.
We also answer emails and fulfill our end of a turkey-related verbal contract.

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email us!

insta - @yourenotgonnalikethispod
twitter - @yonopod

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works cited

Dickens Fest

Toe Wrestling

Baby Festival 

Popeye and Friends